Pain de sandwich. Pain de Mie: the French Sandwich Bread. If you're familiar with white bread, sandwich bread, or a Pullman bread, you likely know what Pain de Mie is. Simply put, Pain de Mie is the French version of sandwich bread.
This pain de mie is sublime when heavily toasted and topped with a good margin of butter. This style of bread is sometimes called a "Pullman Loaf," or simply just "sandwich bread," but they all have the same undeniable characteristics: a soft and minimal crust, a slightly sweet flavor, warmth and depth from just enough butter in the dough, and an ethereally light interior. Remove the plastic, and place the cover on the pan. Vous pouvez avoir Pain de sandwich using 6 ingrédients et 6 pas. Voici comment cuisiner ça.
Ingrédients de Pain de sandwich
- Vous avez besoin 350 g de farine.
- C'est 1 de càs levure de boulangerie.
- Préparez 1 de càs sucre semoule.
- C'est 1 de càc sel.
- C'est 20 g de semoule.
- Préparez de Eau tiède.
Pain de mie is a fine-textured, moist bread baked in a special lidded pan. The lid keeps the loaf from crowning, giving it a flat top and perfectly square-edged slices. For toast (and French toast), sandwiches (including our favorite, grilled cheese), and the best bread-and-butter ever, you simply can't beat pain de mie. Pain de mie is the best thing since sliced bread.
Pain de sandwich étape par étape
- Versez la farine dans un récipient, ajoutez les ingrédients solides, ajoutez l'eau et mélangez bien jusqu'à avoir une pâte..
- Pétrir la pâte pendant 10 min, en ajoutant l'eau petit à petit. Laissez reposer et doubler le volume..
- Dégazez la pâte et formez des boules, étalez sur le semoule et coupez en deux..
- Mettez les pièces dans le plateau à four et laissez doubler le volume..
- Enfourner à 250 degré pendant 40 min..
- Déguster😋👍.
No wait, it is sliced bread if you take the serrated knife to it! Depending on the loaf tin you use, it can be very fluffy and light or a little denser and ideal for toast. Pain de Mie (also called Pullman Loaf - we'll talk about why later) is a fluffy, fine crumbed bread with the thinnest possible crust. It's perfect for French Toast, sandwiches, Texas Toast, and melba toast. This recipe comes from King Arthur.