Recette: Parfait Pain de mie (vegan)

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Pain de mie (vegan). Pain de mie means "bread of the crumb" in French, and it's called that because of how the bread is baked; the vessel that holds the dough creates a finished product with very little crust and almost all crumb. The butter and milk make this a soft and malleable dough, which is supported by the pan it's baked in. The pan used for baking, called Pullman because it replicates the shape of.

Pain de mie (vegan) Pain de mie is a French sandwich bread with four square corners baked in a Pullman loaf pan. This simple, easy and effortless recipe for Pullman sandwich bread makes a light and fluffy loaf of bread with perfect four square corners, delicate soft texture, soft crumb and delicious flavor that melts in the mouth. Despite its less fancy look, the Pain de Mie can be found in many kitchens, mostly because it can keep for up to a week due to its fat content. Vous pouvez avoir Pain de mie (vegan) using 6 ingrédients et 2 pas. Voici comment réussir que.

Ingrédients de Pain de mie (vegan)

  1. C'est 330 ml de l'ait végétal.
  2. Vous avez besoin 20 gr de levure de boulangerie fraîche.
  3. Vous avez besoin 450 g de farine.
  4. Préparez 30 g de sucre roux.
  5. Vous avez besoin 20 g de margarine.
  6. Préparez 8 gr de sel.

Of course, you can always opt to buy a loaf of French Pain de Mie in a store or bakery. However, like most things, a freshly baked, homemade Pain de Mie is almost always better than store-bought options. Pain de mie is the best thing since sliced bread. No wait, it is sliced bread if you take the serrated knife to it!

Pain de mie (vegan) étape par étape

  1. Faire tiédir le lait végétal et diluer la levure dedans. Ajouter la farine, la margarine, le sel et le sucre. Pétrir jusqu'à obtenir une pâte souple et homogène. Couvrir la pâte et la laisser poser 1 h minimum. Elle doit doubler de volume..
  2. Mettre la pâte dans un moule à cake, la couvrir de nouveau d'un linge propre et laisser poser encore 1 h. Enfourner 20 mn à 200 ° C.

Depending on the loaf tin you use, it can be very fluffy and light or a little denser and ideal for toast. But made with flour, milk, butter and yeast, pain de mie is always delicious and extremely sliceable. This pain de mie is sublime when heavily toasted and topped with a good margin of butter. This style of bread is sometimes called a "Pullman Loaf," or simply just "sandwich bread," but they all have the same undeniable characteristics: a soft and minimal crust, a slightly sweet flavor, warmth and depth from just enough butter in the dough, and an ethereally light interior. This recipe is a delicious near crustless bread made in a pullman pan called Pain de Mie. "Pain" in French means "bread", and "la mie" refers to the soft part of bread, called the crumb.