Recette: Appétissant Pain de campagne

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Pain de campagne. Pain de Campagne - Country French Bread Pain de Campagne - Country French Bread. Pain de Campagne (literally Country Loaf) has become the staple bread in my house. I make it every week and keep enough around to last until I bake again.

Pain de campagne Pain de campagne is the classic French country bread. It's essentially a sourdough, but it's that bit special with a touch of rye and whole wheat. It needs a little patience, but not much effort, and the wonderfully flavorful loaf is most definitely worth it. Vous pouvez avoir Pain de campagne using 4 ingrédients et 5 pas. Voici comment cuisiner ça.

Ingrédients de Pain de campagne

  1. Préparez 500 g de farine semi complète.
  2. Préparez 30 cl de d eau.
  3. Préparez 1 de sachet de levure spécial pain.
  4. C'est 10 g de sel.

Pain de campagne or country bread is a traditional, rustic bread that is prepared throughout France. It can be found in numerous boulangeries. Most versions of pain de campagne are made with a mixture of white, whole wheat, and rye flour, water, salt, and either baker's yeast or a natural leavening agent. Pain de campagne means "country bread" in French; it's our rustic equivalent of a sourdough.

Pain de campagne étape par étape

  1. Disposez la farine et le sel dans un grand saladier, mélangez à l aide du crochet. Faites tiédir l'eau, ajoutez la levure et délayez,Ajoutez dans le saladier et pétrissez. Jusqu à ce la pate se détache des parois..
  2. Laissez gonfler 30 minutes à température ambiante puis la dégager..
  3. Couvrez votre plaque de papier sulfurisé, formez une boule et posez sur la plaque. Laissez poser 60 minutes. Faîtes chauffer le four à 200°C. Cuisson four traditionnel.
  4. Ajoutez un peu de farine sur le dessus du pain et enfournez 30 à 35 minutes..
  5. C est prêt 😊.

Now, of course you can buy bread at your local bakery, or you can throw some ingredients in a bread maker and hope for the best, but this beautiful loaf is so simple to make and it's the real thing. This recipe should hope to end any negative thoughts about this bread, it is truly fantastic. The depth of flavour that comes from the rye flour with a combination of lightness and warmth from the white and. Pain de campagne, or "country bread", is rustic bread baked throughout all regions of French. There really is no one correct way to make a Pain de campagne loaf; the formulas are as varied as are the traditions of shaping the loaves.